Louise Lockie

Co-leader: London WiT | London’s Calling | Salesforce MVP
Louise is a Salesforce MVP, leader of the London Women in Tech Community Group, and on the organising team for London’s Calling and YeurLeadin’. Salesforce entered her world in late 2012 when her company became a customer and the system fell in her lap. She currently holds 9 certifications including Advanced Administrator, Sales and Service Cloud Consultant, and 5 from the Architect pyramid. In May 2016 she was the London recipient of the #AwesomeAdmin Award which now brings with it the prestigious Golden Trailblazer Hoodie.
As well as attending as many community groups as possible, Louise writes a blog at www.louiselockie.com and has spoken at Dreamforce (x6), London World Tour (x7), and London Calling (x4), as well as at French Touch Dreamin’, Southeast Dreamin’, Surf Force, Inspire East, and various user groups across the UK.
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