Are we hosting an event in June?

The three Benelux countries imposed on top of one another, in different colours, with the word "YeurLeadin" plastered on top.

In person events are back! Well, for some people. We continue to live in interesting times.

With that in mind we’re really happy that YeurDreamin have announced their in-person event on Saturday, 18th June, with tickets going on sale within the next week.

But this is about YeurLeadin! We now need to make some decisions on when our event will be. 

Can you fill in this one-question survey, to help us decide our next steps for YeurLeadin 2022. Are you wanting to come and, if so, what date we should choose? n.b. Survey closes in one week – end of 7th April.

Read on for more details about YeurLeadin, who it is for and what our plans are!

Wordle with the biggest words being More Time

What is YeurLeadin?
YeurLeadin seeks to support those highly active in the Salesforce community – whether Salesforce Saturday or Conference organisers, Community Group leaders, regular speakers, bloggers, etc. Our 2022 focus is on rebuilding your community. They’ll also be time for networking because we know that’s the magic ingredient that makes our community sparkle!

In 2019 we had 73 participants and hugely positive feedback. This time around… no clue! Help us find out 🙂 And do feel free to pass the survey on to anyone else interested in attending.

What’s the issue?
There’s a very crowded timetable around 18th June. We want to see if you are available for a weekend of Salesforce-related shaningans and meeting people in the flesh. For some it could be a lot to take in after two years of restricted contact. That’s why we’re checking, to get an indication of likely numbers, and to see what works best for you right now.

People literally jumping around at YeurLeadin 2019
Warming up at YeurLeadin 2019

How did this happen?
So here’s the background, to give some geeky insight into our world.

We wanted to do another event alongside YeurDreamin, which planned to be on a Friday. But then, very recently, came the news that Salesforce Live is provisionally scheduled for 16th June in Belgium. This rather mucked up our plans! There are also the questions of venue availability, deposits and the fact that some people are coming directly to Amsterdam after London’s Calling, meaning YeurDreamin couldn’t easily be delayed either.

YeurLeadin 2019 attendees looking intensly at post-its
Above: YeurLeadin 2019. Firmly believing in interactive learning.

Finally: Have a question you would like some input on? We’re here for you and welcome suggestions for future topics. Want to join us next time? Sign up to our mailing list to be kept up to date.

YeurLeadin shares best practice and inspiration for Salesforce Community Leaders. Whether you’re on the organising team of a Community Group, Salesforce Saturday, Community Conference, a MVP or a Product Champion; or you’re otherwise deeply involved in the community, the aim is that we can all learn from each other. Have some epiphanies you wish to share? Let us know!