Leading Virtual Groups Inclusively

The ethos of Community Groups (and Salesforce Saturdays) remains the same whether we meet in person or virtually. But some of the techniques to facilitate that atmosphere are different when we meet virtually.

Do you want to learn how to:

  • Understand how to read the room when you can’t see people’s faces
  • Create a virtual meeting space where everyone can participate
  • Make the best use of the tools available

Marie van Roekel is an active member of the Dutch Salesforce community, as well as a Senior Principal Customer Success Architect at Salesforce.org, and has been working from home for the last 10 years. Earlier this month she led a training session for Dutch community leaders on how to create that Ohana-infused space online which was very well received.

Marie’s now joining us for a session on Tuesday, 28th April at 09:00 CET where we will give you a safe space to learn, ask questions, and practice your virtual meeting leadership skills. If a second session is needed, we’ll schedule an afternoon time for the follow up to ensure we cover multiple time zones.

To sign up click the link above and you’ll be emailed the meeting login details a couple of hours beforehand.

Can’t make it? You can also watch the Dutch community’s session which we recorded earlier this month.